Friday, November 9, 2012

Patsy Petraeus?

General Petraeus requested resignation from Obama two days after the election.  Some experts are saying that, if someone of Petraeus's security clearance has something that could be held over his head, it results in an automatic disqualification for the position.

I have two problems with this line of thought.  First, if these rules for disqualification exist, they are administrative and, therefore, can be waived by an administrator such as, say, the President of the United States.  Second, once a secret is revealed, it is no longer a secret.  What is no longer a secret can no longer be used to blackmail.  Even my senator, Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat, chided the president for accepting his resignation.

The other interesting comment I've heard exclaimed is "how did the CIA not know about the affair until now?"  This question has a presupposition: the CIA did not know about the affair until now.

Is it a coincidence that Petraeus is resigning now instead of last week?  Is it a coincidence that Petraeus is in the best position to know things about the Benghazi investigation that is heatng up?

Petraeus is scheduled to testify in a Senate hearing very soon.  Let's see what he says ...

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